Artist Rasa Labinė is trying to revive old Lithuanian traditions of painting plants, which the thread over the past century has been lost.World Heritage"The only thread that us ties with the relative heritage still in egg," convinced Rasa Labinė. "Art" in the Studio it's not just trying to restore the old painting techniques, but with local plants and the mysteries of this art teaches others. And the secrets of the not so easily reveals itself: the written sources, which are consistently described the technology, do not have. Only nuotrupų is survived that way or closed anaip. The oldest folk clothing, which can be held in your hand in museums, is the end of the 18th century. Previous patches only. The truth is, many of the nobility of the costume is survived, but they were painted with paint atvežtiniais. Fortunately, there is still močiučių, which this very remembers. And, of course, you can take advantage of a huge experience in the world.Rasa says that coloring with plants – this is a huge common tradition, the Nations of the world inherited from the ancient times. The only difference is plants. But we, and the Brazilians, dažome and we, and Asians from the root išgauname paints. Only in the South, color accent, because plants grow there in more favourable conditions, they accumulate more dažinių materials. Apparently, therefore, there was a popular, printed fabrics in various designs, and we do not have such a tradition. However, the us women had paid and so far paying art weave, išmegzti, išnerti. Is of linen and wool, but both fibres – greyish white. "Sadness," said artist and went on to say: That the world would be more beautiful, color. "