Menininkė Rasa Labinė bando atgaivinti senąsias lietuviškas siūlų dažy翻訳 - Menininkė Rasa Labinė bando atgaivinti senąsias lietuviškas siūlų dažy英語言う方法

Menininkė Rasa Labinė bando atgaivi

Menininkė Rasa Labinė bando atgaivinti senąsias lietuviškas siūlų dažymo augalais tradicijas, kurios per pastarajį šimtmetį buvo prarastos.

Pasaulio paveldas

„Vienintelė gija, kuri mus vis dar sieja su prosenelių paveldu – margučiai“, – įsitikinusi Rasa Labinė. „Menas sau“ studijoje ji ne tik bando atkurti senąsias dažymo vietiniais augalais technologijas, bet ir šio meno paslapčių moko kitus. O tos paslaptys ne taip jau lengvai atsiskleidžia: rašytinių šaltinių, kuriuose būtų nuosekliai aprašyta technologija, neturime. Tik yra išlikę nuotrupų, kad daryta taip ar anaip. Seniausi liaudies drabužiai, kuriuos galima pačiupinėti muziejuose, yra XVIII a. pabaigos. Ankstesnių – tik skiautės. Tiesa, yra išlikę nemažai bajorų kostiumų, tačiau jie buvo dažyti atvežtiniais dažais. Laimei, dar yra močiučių, kurios šį tą prisimena. Ir, žinoma, galima pasinaudoti milžiniška pasaulio patirtimi.

Rasa sako, kad dažymas augalais – tai didžiulė bendra pasaulio tautų tradicija, paveldėta iš seniausių laikų. Skiriasi tik augalai. Bet ir mes, ir brazilai dažome žieve, ir mes, ir azijiečiai dažus išgauname iš šaknų. Tik Pietuose spalvos ryškesnės, nes augalams augti ten palankesnės sąlygos, juose susikaupia daugiau dažinių medžiagų. Matyt, todėl ten buvo populiaru marginti audinius įvairiais ornamentais, o mes tokios tradicijos neturime. Užtat mūsų moterys mokėjo ir iki šiol moka ornamentus išausti, išmegzti, išnerti. Audžiama iš lino ir vilnos, bet abu pluoštai – pilkšvai balti. „Liūdesys, – sakė menininkė ir pridūrė: Kad pasaulis būtų gražesnis, reikia spalvų.“
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Artist Rasa Labinė is trying to revive old Lithuanian traditions of painting plants, which the thread over the past century has been lost.World Heritage"The only thread that us ties with the relative heritage still in egg," convinced Rasa Labinė. "Art" in the Studio it's not just trying to restore the old painting techniques, but with local plants and the mysteries of this art teaches others. And the secrets of the not so easily reveals itself: the written sources, which are consistently described the technology, do not have. Only nuotrupų is survived that way or closed anaip. The oldest folk clothing, which can be held in your hand in museums, is the end of the 18th century. Previous patches only. The truth is, many of the nobility of the costume is survived, but they were painted with paint atvežtiniais. Fortunately, there is still močiučių, which this very remembers. And, of course, you can take advantage of a huge experience in the world.Rasa says that coloring with plants – this is a huge common tradition, the Nations of the world inherited from the ancient times. The only difference is plants. But we, and the Brazilians, dažome and we, and Asians from the root išgauname paints. Only in the South, color accent, because plants grow there in more favourable conditions, they accumulate more dažinių materials. Apparently, therefore, there was a popular, printed fabrics in various designs, and we do not have such a tradition. However, the us women had paid and so far paying art weave, išmegzti, išnerti. Is of linen and wool, but both fibres – greyish white. "Sadness," said artist and went on to say: That the world would be more beautiful, color. "
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The artist Rasa Labin is trying to revive the old Lithuanian traditions of dyeing plants, which over the last century has been lost. World heritage "The only thread that we still have a heritage with the great-grandparents - eggs, - convinced Rasa Labin. Art afford studio is not only trying to restore the old paint local plants technology, but also the secrets of the art teaches others. And those secrets not so easily revealed: written sources, which are consistently described the technology at the moment. Only fragments have survived, to do so or that way. The oldest folk clothes that can touch the museums, the eighteenth century. end. Previous - just grab. True, there remained a number of nobility costumes, but they were painted and the fate of paint. Fortunately, there are grandmothers that something remembers. And, of course, you can take advantage of a vast global experience. Kate says that painting plants - it's a huge common peoples of the world tradition, inherited from the ancient times. It differs only in plants. But we, Brazilians and paint peel, and we, Asians and dyes extracted from the roots. Only in the South, the colors were brighter, because the plants grow there favorable conditions and accumulate more Carthamus materials. Apparently, therefore, there was popular printed fabrics with various ornaments, and we do not have such a tradition. Instead, our women are paid and still pay ornaments woven, knit, knit. Woven from linen and wool, but both fibers - grayish-white. "Sadness, - said the artist, adding: That the world would be more beautiful, you need the color."

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