A. Godard rusų aktorę jau buvo mačiusi Š. Barto filme „Trys dienos“. Po to jos vėl susitiko filmuojant kitą C. Denis filmą. Anot A. Godard, J. Golubeva buvo nepaprastai charizmatiška, negalėjai nepastebėti jos slaviško grožio. „Atrodė nepagaunama, paslaptinga. Kai Katią filmavau, maniau, šis grožis niekada neišnyks. Sužinojusi, kad ji pasitraukė iš gyvenimo, mano prisiminimuose jos grožis išliko toks, kokį mačiau tada ją filmuodama“, – pasakojo DELFI pašnekovė.
A. Godard Russian actress has already been mačiusi n. Barto in the movie "three days". They met again when another c. Denis film. According to a. Godard, j. Golubeva was extremely charismatic, Miss slaviško — its beauty. "It seemed nepagaunama, mysterious. When Katią filmavau, I thought, this beauty will never go away. Aware that it withdrew from most of her life, my beauty remained, what I saw and then it filmuodama "– telling the DELFI interviewed person.

A. Godard Russian actress has been seen Sat. Bart's film "Three Days". Then they met again during the filming of the next C. Denis movie. According to A. Godard, J. Golubeva was extremely charismatic, I could not overlook her Slavic beauty. "It seemed elusive, mysterious. When shooting with Katie, I thought, this beauty will never go away. After learning that she withdrew from life, my memories of her beauty remained the same, then what I have seen her shooting ", - told DELFI interlocutor.