Vis dėlto lietuviai turėjo savų dažymo niuansų. Visuomet buvo dažomi tik siūlai, o audiniai – ne: bent jau rašytiniuose šaltiniuose tokių žinių nėra. Bet lietuviai mokėjo „patobulinti“ ir audinius. Pavyzdžiui, dzūkės nudažydavo siūlus, nuausdavo audinį ir jį fiksuodavo įmindamos į „rūdzyną“ – pelkės pakraštį, kur būdavo pelkių rūdų. Darydavo ir kitaip: kai duonkepyje būdavo iškepama duona, ten suguldydavo siūlus, užklodavo juos žolėmis ir, kol krosnis atvėsdavo, tos žolės siūlus nudažydavo. Siūlai išeidavo margi – melanžiniai. Tada tuos siūlus moterys suausdavo į milą, sumušdavo ir merkdavo į rūdyną. Ten spalvos patamsėdavo, paryškėdavo.
However, the Lithuanians had their own painting nuances. Has always been colored by just a thread and fabric is not: at least in written sources of such knowledge is not available. But the Lithuanians provided "refine" and fabrics. For example, nudažydavo dzūkės nuausdavo fabric and yarns, it įmindamos fiksuodavo to "rūdzyną" in the swamp is where wetlands were ores. At and otherwise: when the bread was baked, duonkepyje suguldydavo there užklodavo them in the grasses and the yarn until the furnace, the grass atvėsdavo thread nudažydavo. The thread went to marl mottled. Then those threads in the suausdavo to milą, sumušdavo, women and merkdavo to rūdyną. There patamsėdavo, paryškėdavo color.

However, Lithuanians had their own nuances of painting. It has always been just painted yarns and fabrics - not: at least written records of such knowledge is not. But the Lithuanians had an "improved" and tissues. For example, dzukas dyed yarn, woven fabric and is fixated įmindamos to rūdzyną "- the edge of the swamp, where wetlands were ores. To do otherwise: when the baker was baked bread, there's the yarn held by the shovel, herbs and overlap them until the oven has cooled down, the grass yarn-dyed. It offers a way mottled - marl. Then the thread woven by women in Milan, beaten and immersed into the mine. There darken in color, accentuate.